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Finance & investment briefing – June 2023

Our Finance & investment briefing (PDF) takes a look at current issues of interest to pensi...

Quarterly briefing – June 2023

The Sackers Quarterly Briefing Q2 2023 highlights significant developments in pensions, coverin...

TPR’s General Code: what should trustees be doing now?

TPR’s new single code of practice (the “Code”) is expected to be published in spring 2023. Alth...

WEBINAR : Sackers Quarterly Legal Update – May 2023

Claire Carey provides an essential overview of significant developments affecting occupational...

DC briefing – May 2023

The DC briefing (PDF) highlights topical news on DC pensions from a legal viewpoint. In this br...

TPR publishes annual funding statement 2023

Introduction TPR’s latest annual funding statement (the “statement”) was published on 27 April...

ESG and climate change – Where are we now and where are we going?

Practical overviews of topical pensions issues, including checklists, action plans and timeline...

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