
Pensions dashboards

Dashboards have been under development for several years but the DWP unexpectedly “reset” the dashboard programme in 2023, introducing a new single statutory connection deadline of 31 October 2026. However, there is a staging timetable that trustees must “have regard to”, ranging from 30 April 2025 for the largest schemes to 30 September 2026 for the smallest schemes. Whilst the timetable is not mandatory, trustees are expected to meet their “connect by” date.

What is a dashboard?

A pensions dashboard is an online platform where members of the public can access their UK pensions information, including their state pension, in one place.  Broadly speaking, trustees of schemes in scope will need to:

  • connect to the dashboard “ecosystem”
  • ensure their scheme can receive and service both “find” requests (a request sent as the result of an individual searching for information about their pensions) and “view” requests (a request by an individual to see detailed information about any pension which the dashboard shows they have).

What do trustees need to do?

Meeting their dashboard duties involves a lot of steps.  As a starting point, trustees should:

  • understand their legal duties
  • take advice on the decisions they will need to make in relation to dashboards and the associated risks
  • speak to their administrators to understand their connection plans
  • make sure their data is “dashboard ready”
  • establish proper oversight and governance of their connection project.

With the legal requirements and timings now finalised, schemes should press ahead with their preparatory work, as the first “connect by” dates are less than a year away.

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