Our role at the heart of the industry

Practical, well resourced and responsive, with strong industry knowledge.”

Our position at the heart of the industry, with more leading roles on industry groups than any other law firm, enables us to keep on top of all the latest developments and have direct influence on the legislation that impacts our clients. It also means that we are able to spot new areas and evolve our offering to make sure we continue to meet client needs. 

We work closely with the following organisations:

  • all lawyers at Sackers are members of Association of Pension Lawyers and Claire Carey has recently finished her term as the fifth Sackers chair (and the second female Sackers chair)
  • we are the legal insight partner to Pensions Management Institute, providing resources and technical input to its members
  • Janet Brown sits on the council of Society of Pension Professionals and other lawyers sit on it’s legislative and investment committees
  • we are active supporters of Pensions and Lifetime Savings Association and have representatives on the legal panel, multi-employer schemes group and other committees
  • we are corporate members of Pensions Administration Standards Association and Helen Ball chairs the CDC working group
  • Stuart O’Brien chairs the Pensions Climate Risk Industry Group
  • Jacqui Reid and Emily Rowley are active members of the Pensions Equity Group, an industry coalition set up to tackle pension inequalities in the UK
  • we are a member of Ius Laboris, the global alliance of leading pension, employment and labour law firms that provide expert advice and support on human resources issues relevant to an international workforce.

We are also actively involved with NextGen, Pensions for Purpose, the DC Pensions Forum, and the Impact Investing Institute.

We have built up close links with policymakers at the DWP and regulators at TPR and the FCA, frequently contributing to guidance on the policies and regulations governing our clients’ activities. We regularly respond to Government consultations which could impact our clients. Our comments tend to focus on areas where we can add most value, such as explaining how schemes handles things in practice or trying to ensure that legislative changes will work as intended.

We also contribute to the industry through our suite of publications and our extensive programme of seminars, webinars, training and workshops. By regularly bringing clients and industry contacts together to share knowledge and best practice, we have created an open network where ideas and concerns can be aired. This reputation for thought leadership is backed up by our top rankings in legal directories and the awards we have received for our legal work and contribution to the wider industry.