Helen Ball, partner, joins industry experts and a panel of pension fund trustees at this Pensions Investment Academy event.
So much has changed over the last few years in the world of DC pensions. Recent regulatory requirements have changed the role of trustees, with consideration needed regarding minimum quality standards, the Chair’s Annual Statement, value for members, the DC code of practice, transparency, Trustee training, governance committees, pension taxation, pension flexibilities, scheme transfers, auto-enrolment, the issue of guidance vs advice, understanding disclosure requirements among other things. With all of these areas for Trustees to consider, we focus on what really matters for today’s trustees and whether good governance is simply following regulation or goes beyond that.
This Seminar will focus on providing practical insights and latest developments in DC schemes and focus on some pertinent issues such as ESG, accumulation and decumulation investment strategies, appropriate default funds, member engagement and what strategies should schemes adopt to take account of Millennial members’ needs? Just what is best practice and new thinking for DC schemes today and what challenges lie ahead?
This event is free for trustees and pension executives. Registration is via the PIA website