Sackers are delighted to host the Transparency Task Force’s next symposium – “Accelerating our journey towards a green economy, before it’s too late”

Partner, Stuart O’Brien joins experts from the Financial Conduct Authority, Bank of England / Prudential Regulatory Authority, the Pensions Regulator and the Financial Reporting Council.

“The symposium will bring together senior executives from the main financial services regulators, climate change campaign groups, progressively-minded market participants and subject-matter experts to discuss and debate the role that the financial services sector can play in helping to deal with what might become climate change catastrophe.

If you believe Sir David Attenborough’s comments at the UN climate change conference to be credible, there really is quite a bit to worry about. His key message was:

“Right now we are facing a man-made disaster of global scale, our greatest threat in thousands of years: climate change. If we don’t take action, the collapse of our civilizations and the extinction of much of the natural world is on the horizon”.

The stakes really couldn’t be any higher and the financial services sector as a whole could and should be doing much more than we are to help deal with the problem; and that’s what our special symposium is all about.”

To attend this event, please contact: 

Learn more about The Transparency Taskforce on their website