Our free and interactive seminar is aimed at trustees of DB, DC and hybrid schemes. Caroline Legg, Tom Jackman and Emma Martin will use case studies to uncover exactly what you need to know as a 21st century trustee.

The first session is suitable for all trustees and will cover:

• introduction, including brief summary of TKU requirements
• trust and pensions law basics
• discretions case study – death benefits
• tax overview
• The Pensions Regulator (TPR)
• dealing with disputes.

The DB session will cover topics specifically relevant to DB schemes including:

• scheme funding and investment
• PPF/scheme “end-game”.

The DC session will cover topics specifically relevant to DC schemes including:

• the changing  legal and regulatory environment
• TPR’s DC Code and guidance
• retirement choices and member communications.

You will have the opportunity to ask questions and share your experiences with other trustees.