Our Autumn Quarterly Legal Update is designed to provide an essential overview to both employers and trustees of significant developments affecting occupational pension provision in the UK.
We will consider the key legal issues arising over the last quarter impacting on the pensions industry (and also take a look ahead at what the pensions future holds) by concentrating on the following four areas:
• pensions reform
• legislation
• regulatory requirements
• case law.
Against the backdrop of the collapse of BHS and the Government’s consultation on options for helping the significantly underfunded British Steel Pension Scheme, the plight of DB schemes with large deficits has come to the fore in recent months. For example, the DB Taskforce, which recently published an interim report, was launched by the PLSA back in March to undertake a review of the challenges currently facing DB pension schemes and to make recommendations to the Government. But, not everyone can afford to wait for the various reviews to conclude before seeking help, and our spotlight session will consider what options are available now to schemes in severe distress, focusing on the recent solvent restructuring of the Halcrow pension scheme and group.
By attending this event you can claim 1.5 hours CPD under the PMI CPD scheme.