PLSA teach-in: Considering a buy-in for your scheme? Tips, traps and tales

Tuesday 26 January 2016

Stuart O’Brien, partner, will deliver the first teach-in of 2016 for the PLSA.

The session is aimed at pension managers, trustees, finance and HR directors. It will consider the buy-in process, with a focus on the buy-in options currently available in the market, and what schemes need to do to prepare, including how to draw up a project plan.

Topics to be covered

  • The buy-in marketplace
  • Features of the different buy-in structures and options
  • Key actions to consider when preparing your scheme for a buy-in
  • Constructing a project plan to facilitate a buy-in exercise
  • Common pitfalls and their solutions

Registration for the seminar is available through the PLSA website and is free for PLSA members.


8.30am Welcome and registration

9am Seminar commences

10am Seminar concludes

Pensions and Lifetime Savings Association
Cheapside House
138 Cheapside