Scheduled for the day after the autumn statement, our latest pensions managers’ forum will therefore focus on:
- What effect the latest cuts in the AA and LTA will have on scheme members, and the steps (if any) employers and trustees should be taking to identify and help those in the danger zone?
- What areas of pensions tax relief do pensions managers (and trustees in general) find most challenging in practice and which would they encourage the Government to change?
Whilst on the subject of pensions and tax, we will also cover the latest news from HMRC on the recoverability of VAT.
The forum will also include an open “Any Other Business” section, held under Chatham House rules and providing you with the opportunity to discuss any issues with which you are currently grappling. If you would like to take advantage of this section, please let us know the topic you would like to raise when confirming your place.
Aimed specifically at addressing the issues they face, this forum allows pensions managers the opportunity to ask questions and share experiences on a range of different topics and issues.
By attending this event you can claim 1 hour CPD under the PMI CPD scheme.