
7 Days Archive

A weekly digest of developments in pensions, normally published on Monday afternoons. We collate the information from key industry sources, such as the DWP, HMRC and TPR.

7 Days Archive

3rd June 2019

  • EMIR refit regulation
  • Pensions schemes newsletter 110
  • Annual funding statement analysis 2019
  • Chris Curry appointed Principal of the Pensions Dashboard Industry Delivery Group
  • PSV v Bauer (AG opinion – 8 May 2019)
  • Mrs D (PO-20255) (Distribution of death benefits)

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28th May 2019

  • Cost Transparency Initiative launches tools to help schemes deliver greater value for savers
  • FRC publishes amendments to FRS 102
  • FRC sets out transition pathway
  • House of Commons library publishes new briefing
  • HMRC – working out your reduced (tapered) annual allowance
  • PPF supports Dementia Action Week

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13th May 2019

  • Consultation on changes to the LGPS published
  • Pension Charges Bill 2017-19 introduced to Parliament
  • TPR blogs on proposed DB funding changes timetable

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7th May 2019

  • FCA launches Call for Input on review of financial advice market
  • FSCS announces final levy for 2019/20
  • HMRC publishes Pension schemes newsletter 109
  • TPR produces action plan in response to independent review
  • Work and Pensions Select Committee: Ministers provide written response to questions

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