
7 Days Archive

A weekly digest of developments in pensions, normally published on Monday afternoons. We collate the information from key industry sources, such as the DWP, HMRC and TPR.

7 Days Archive

7th September 2020

  • Coronavirus – Sackers response
  • Confirmation that NMPA will rise to 57 in 2028
  • Consultation on local government exit pay
  • Update from Pensions Dashboard Programme
  • Update on single code of practice timing
  • HMRC v Parry (Supreme Court, August 2020)

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1st September 2020

  • Coronavirus – Sackers response
  • Consultation: taking action on climate risk
  • HMRC issues Pension Schemes Newsletter 123
  • LGPS consultation response: employer contributions and exit payments
  • PLSA guide on climate indexes
  • TPR’s quarterly compliance and enforcement bulletin
  • TPR blogs on DB funding and the impact of COVID-19 on AE

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24th August 2020

  • Coronavirus – Sackers response
  • Appeals against Hampshire and Hughes

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17th August 2020

  • Coronavirus – Sackers response
  • EIOPA delivers PEPP regulation
  • Scheme funding analysis 2020
  • TPR publishes report on modelling long-term funding objectives
  • TPR response on conflicts of interest, smaller schemes and scams
  • US-EU discussions on enhanced Privacy Shield

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10th August 2020

  • Coronavirus – Sackers response
  • FCA consults on additional levy
  • Guidance on GMP equalisation communications
  • TPR blog: “Trustees must remain ready for COVID-19 balancing act”
  • TPR response to WPC report on COVID-19

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