7 Days Archive
23rd November 2020
- Regulations made to remove exemption from VAT for supplies of fund management services to pension funds established in the EU
- FCA consults on changes to policy on raising regulated fees and levies from 2021/22
- Executive remuneration: IA Principles of Remuneration for 2021
- IFoA publishes paper on pension scheme cyber risks
- PASA release their Pensions Dashboard Working Group update
- TPR publishes public service governance and administration survey
- TPR reminds employers of auto enrolment duties as penalties rise
- Lloyds: High Court rules that DB schemes must equalise past GMP transfers
16th November 2020
- EIOPA supervisory statement on registering or authorising IORPs
- European Commission publishes revised standard contractual clauses for consultation
- Fraud Compensation Fund eligibility criteria is clarified
- FRC encourages use of TCFD to improve climate-related reporting
- HMRC updates guidance on the CJRS
- PASA launches Cybercrime Guidance for Pensions Administrators
- PMI launches new competency framework
- TPR guidance on protecting schemes from sponsoring employer distress
- TPR urges pensions industry to pledge to combat pension scams
- Roadmap published on implementing TCFD’s recommendations
- Mr S (PO-22018) (member not notified of opportunity to transfer)
9th November 2020
- CJRS extended until end of March 2021
- EDPS publishes Strategy on Schrems II for EU institutions
- Progress of the Pension Schemes Bill
- Responsible Investment Bill presented to MPs
- TPR updates guidance on pension scams
- TPR updates DC and automatic enrolment COVID-19 guidance
2nd November 2020
- APPT code of practice for sole trustees
- Further lockdown, and extension of CJRS
- DWP “stronger nudge to pensions guidance”
- DWP Pension Freedoms study published
- HMRC publishes pension schemes newsletter 125
- HMT publishes exit payment guidance
- New Government briefing papers
- PDP publishes dashboards timeline and report
26th October 2020
- HMRC publishes new paper on the Job Support Scheme
- Financial Services Bill 2019-21
- Solvency II Review: Call for Evidence
- LGPS updates exit payments information
- TPR publishes new guidance for trustees and employers considering a DB superfund
- Companies House updates Coronavirus guidance