
7 Days Archive

A weekly digest of developments in pensions, normally published on Monday afternoons. We collate the information from key industry sources, such as the DWP, HMRC and TPR.

7 Days Archive

28th February 2022

  • GMP fixed rate revaluation to reduce to 3.25% per annum
  • Finance (No. 2) Bill receives Royal Assent
  • Multi-employer CDC schemes by end of 2022 / early 2023
  • TPR publishes further guidance to help trustees with their new duties on climate-related governance and reporting
  • PLSA publishes its Stewardship and Voting Guidelines for 2022

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21st February 2022

  • Proposed extension of certain information and reporting deadlines for scheme pays
  • Royal Mail hopes to launch new CDC scheme by the end of 2022
  • ICO calls for views on draft anonymisation, pseudonymisation and privacy enhancing technologies guidance

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14th February 2022

  • FCA proposes rules for pension providers on pensions dashboards
  • Automatic enrolment earnings trigger and qualifying earnings bands to remain unchanged for 2022/23
  • Paper explaining how climate change can be reflected in employer covenant assessments is published
  • FRC consults on proposed changes to AS TM1 to reflect pensions dashboards requirements
  • SPA review – call for evidence issued
  • Sackers’ survey shows industry is split on new transfer regulations

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7th February 2022

  • PDP publishes information about its “standards” on pensions dashboards
  • Documents for transferring personal data outside of the UK laid before Parliament
  • ABI, IA and PLSA launch new carbon emissions template
  • New research finds that many older DC pensions deliver poor value for money
  • Order setting out PPF levy ceiling published
  • PPF launches PPF+ advisory panel

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31st January 2022

  • Consultation on draft pensions dashboard regulations published
  • TPR consults on draft code of practice for CDC schemes
  • TPR sets out its plans for 2022
  • TPR’s latest DC Trust report shows a continued decrease in the number of DC schemes
  • FSCS publishes research showing that one in five people have not checked the value of their pension pot
  • Financial regulatory bodies agree to a Wider Implications Framework
  • ICO launches “major listening exercise”
  • TPO launches Pensions Dishonesty Unit

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