7 Days Archive
6th June 2022
- TPR updates guidance on timing of stronger nudge
- DWP responds to consultation on trustee oversight of investment consultants and fiduciary managers
- BEIS response to consultation on reforms to the audit and corporate governance regime
- HMRC publishes guidance on increase to NMPA
- HMRC pension schemes newsletter 139
- PLSA made simple guide on Defined Benefit De-risking
30th May 2022
- Stronger nudge comes into force on 1 June 2022
- TPR and FCA publish feedback statement on driving value for money in DC pensions
- TPR issues 2022 Annual Funding Statement Analysis
- FSCS announces levy for 2022/23
- Fore Fitness Investments Holdings Ltd, Hashmi v Lorimer-Wing (High Court) – 2 February 2022
23rd May 2022
- TPR updates DC communications guidance for Stronger Nudge
- FCA strengthens consumer protection by speeding up removal of firms that do not use their regulatory permission
- GAD update on retirement calculator
- Pension Scam Predictor Tool launched
16th May 2022
- Queen’s Speech 2022 sets out government’s legislative plans
- TPR updates template pension scams letter
- PASA publishes Cybercrime Protection checklist
- PDP publishes blog on consumer protection aspects of pensions dashboards
- WPC call for evidence from employers and trade unions on saving for later life
- FRC issues call for feedback on Technical Actuarial Standards
- Moan v HMRC (First-tier Tribunal) – 4 April 2022
9th May 2022
- TPR publishes new consultation on enforcement and prosecution policies
- TPR announces spot checks of suspect employers
- Pensions dashboards – TPR to contact schemes before staging date
- T v T (Family Court, 10 November 2021)
- Hamill v Lloyds Banking Group Pension Trustees Limited (High Court, 29 March 2022)