7 Days Archive
15th August 2022
- TPR sets out expectations of trustees and sponsors in relation to debt refinancing
- HMT publishes consultation on public sector exit payments
- PPF encourages trustees to make contingency plans for employer insolvency
- Pensions Policy Institute asks administrators and pension providers to complete a lost pensions survey
8th August 2022
- TPR revises guidance on tendering for fiduciary management services and setting objectives for investment consultants
- TPR publishes scams strategy
- FCA publishes consultation on changes to redress calculations for unsuitable pension transfer advice
- FCA consults on broadening access to Long Term Asset Funds
- TPO publishes corporate plan for 2022 to 2025
1st August 2022
- DWP consults on DB funding and investment strategy
- PASA publishes pensions values checklist for dashboards
- Update on implementation of McCloud remedy in the LGPS
- FCA publishes rules and guidance on new consumer duty
- DWP consults on technical amendments to the PPF and Fraud Compensation Fund (“FCF”) Regulations
25th July 2022
- PDP consults on dashboards standards
- TPR updates initial guidance on dashboards
- Data Protection and Digital Information Bill introduced into Parliament
- DWP response to employer-related investments aspects of illiquid assets consultation
- DWP commits to consider stronger nudge exemption for AVCs and small hybrid DC pots
- TPO factsheet on approach to public service scheme age discrimination complaints
- Draft pensions tax legislation published
- TPR’s code of practice for CDC schemes made
18th July 2022
- DWP responds to pensions dashboards consultation
- DWP responds to call for evidence on social risks and opportunities
- TPR, TPO and PPF publish Annual Reports and Accounts