
7 Days Archive

A weekly digest of developments in pensions, normally published on Monday afternoons. We collate the information from key industry sources, such as the DWP, HMRC and TPR.

7 Days Archive

20th February 2023

  • DWP announces review of TPR
  • FCA publishes webpage on reporting concerning pension transfer requests

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13th February 2023

  • PASA publishes DC Governance Watch on transfers
  • PDP publishes explainer videos on “myth busting pensions dashboards”
  • DWP and TPR agree a memorandum of understanding on prosecution of new criminal offences

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6th February 2023

  • WPC calls for further evidence on DB schemes with LDI
  • HMRC gives an update on pension transfers guidance in its latest newsletter

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30th January 2023

  • DWP responds to consultation on broadening the investment opportunities of DC schemes
  • DWP, the FCA and TPR consult on value for money framework
  • DWP consults on extending opportunities for CDC schemes
  • DWP calls for evidence on addressing the challenge of deferred small pots
  • Automatic enrolment earnings trigger and qualifying earnings bands to remain unchanged for 2023/24
  • TPR publishes DC scheme return data for 2022 to 2023

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23rd January 2023

  • Draft GMP Increase Order 2023 published
  • Responses to WPC report on protecting pension savers published
  • FCA announces thematic review of consumer advice

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