Read our 2020 guide, ‘ESG and climate change for pension funds’ here

There is an increasing prominence of Environmental, Social and corporate Governance factors on pension trustee agendas and, as a result, a corresponding need for clarity on how, in practice, these fit with trustees’ legal duties and how they might realistically be taken into account as part of the investment decision making process.

The Sackers guide provides insight on the different types of investments commonly held by trustees in defined benefit schemes and how ESG approaches may differ across different asset classes and strategies. The guide also offers practical tips for trustees keen to exercise their rights as asset owners and looks at how ESG can be reflected in defined contribution schemes.

The Sackers ESG guide provides an overview of trustees’ legal duties and focuses on:

  • Evolution of the duty of care on ESG issues
  • Building ESG into pension scheme portfolios
  • Approaching ESG in DC default funds
  • Stewardship – legal obligations and practicalities
  • Dealing with member concerns and complaints
  • Planning your approach to ESG

Read the full Sackers guide to ESG.

Click here to read our latest ESG guide (2018) – Where next for ESG? – An evolving approach for trustees